
Category Listing: Programming

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Term: abstract
ID: 33602
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Mathematical algebra and logic that describe several different concrete algebras and logics.

Term: abstract
ID: 33603
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Software engineering descriptions that do not swamp you with unnecessary detail -- they provide enough information to use something without knowing its detailed construction.

Term: accessor
ID: 33604
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: a method or member function that does not change the object to which it is applied, also known as a const function.

Term: actual_parameter
ID: 33605
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Any parameter in the call of a subprogram.

Term: ad hoc polymorphism
ID: 33740
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/24/14
Definition: Overloading.

Term: Ada
ID: 33579
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Programming language designed for programming embedded applications.

Term: ADT
ID: 33580
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Abstract data type.

Term: ADT
ID: 33581
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Data_type with hidden implementation details.

Term: ADT
ID: 33582
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: abbreviation="Abstract Data Type".

Term: ajax
ID: 33577
Date Added: 07/31/14
Definition: Ajax (also AJAX; /ˈeɪdʒæks/; an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)[1] is a group of interrelated Web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications. With Ajax, Web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Data can be retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object. Despite the name, the use of XML is not required; JSON is often used instead (see AJAJ), and the requests do not need to be asynchronous.[2]

Ajax is not a single technology, but a group of technologies. HTML and CSS can be used in combination to mark up and style information. The DOM is accessed with JavaScript to dynamically display - and allow the user to interact with - the information presented. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object provide a method for exchanging data asynchronously between browser and server to avoid full page reloads.

Term: ajax
ID: 33578
Source: Free Online Dictionary of Computing
Date Added: 07/31/14
Definition: (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) A collection of techniques for creating interactive web applications without having to reload the complete web page in response to each user input, thus making the interaction faster. AJAX typically uses the XMLHttpRequest browser object to exchange data asynchronously with the web server. Alternatively, an IFrame object or dynamically added <script> tags may be used instead of XMLHttpRequest.

Despite the name, Ajax can combine any browser scripting language (not just JavaScript) and any data representation (not just XML). Alternative data formats include HTML, plain text or JSON.

Several Ajax frameworks are now available to simplify Ajax development.

Term: algorithm
ID: 33606
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: A description in precise but natural language plus mathematical notation of how a problem is solved.

Term: Algorithm
ID: 33781
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/24/14
Definition: A precise description of a series of steps to attain a goal.

Term: alias
ID: 33607
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Two names or identifiers are aliases if they name or identify the same thing.

Term: argument
ID: 33608
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: C = parameter.

Term: arithmetic_operations
ID: 33609
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ideally forming an ADT with the algebraic properties of a ring or field.

Term: array
ID: 33610
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: data_type - Each array associates each value of one data type with a unique object of another type

Term: array element
ID: 34116
Date Added: 06/22/16

In computer science, an array data structure, or simply an array, is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key. An array is stored so that the position of each element can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula.


ID: 33583
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: The original common character code for computers using 8 bits.

Term: assignment
ID: 33611
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Statement - A statement with an expression and a variable. The expression is evaluated and the result is stored in the variables.

Term: associativity
ID: 33612
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Rules for determining which of two identical infix operators should be evaluated first.

ID: 33584
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code", a family of languages developed for teaching programming and given away with early IBM PCs.

Term: binary
ID: 33616
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: Pertaining to 2. Binary operators have two operands. Binary numbers have base 2 and use 2 symbols.

Term: bind
ID: 33613
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: to create a binding.

Term: binding
ID: 33614
Source: Glossary of Computer Programming Terms
Date Added: 08/02/14
Definition: A relationship between two things, typically an identifier and some one of its properties or attributes. For example a variable is an identifier bound to a piece of storage in the main memory of the computer.

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